Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg



Peter Grüttner

phone: +49 345 5521743
phone: +49 345 5521739

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DAAD funded project "Internationalization Of Teacher Education"

The DAAD Funding Initiative For Teacher Education ""

The DAAD (German Academic Exchange Agency) is funding the internationalization of teacher education in a modularized program. Module A directly supports students with individual grants for international mobility, module B diverts resources to the teacher education cores at German universities and module C is aimed at policy making in the context of teacher education. The first stage of funding supported 19 German universities. The program was expanded to more univiersities subsequently.

Internationalization Of Teacher Education At The Center For Teacher Education at Martin Luther University Halle Wittenberg

Since October 2019 Martin Luther University's Center For Teacher Education is home to one of nineteen pilot projects in Germany adressing the challenges in the internationalization of teacher education. In 2022 the support was extended and includes project actions in 2023 und 2024. A first core of activities aims at increasing international mobility for all students of teacher education at Uni Halle and their instructors (university staff, lecturers, trainers). A second core aims at strengthening cultural awareness and pedagogical powers of future teachers through specific courses and learning opportunities. The project helps to bring in instructors from abroad and support international mobility of teacher trainers from Uni Halle.

Arbeitsschwerpunkte der dritten Förderphase (2025-2029)

In drei Clustern wird durch geziele Projektaktiväten und Fördermechnanismen die Internationalisierung der Lehrer*innenbildung bis 2029 fortgeführt.

Cluster 1 fokussiert auf die Qualitätsverbesserung des Studiums durch internationalisierte Angebote. Hierzu zählen die nahtlose Betreuung der Auslandsaufenthalte mittels LAIK (Lehramt Interkulturell) sowie ein wachsender Anteil von internationalen Lehrimpulsen und Co-Working-Phasen im grundlegenden Studienbereich. Internationale Bezüge und Kontakte (von digital vermittelt bis echt erlebt) sollen eine Konstante der Lehrer*innenbildung an der Uni Halle werden.

Cluster 2 zielt auf die Weiterentwicklung des internationalen Netzwerks und die Pflege bestehender internationaler Kooperationen für die Lehrer*innenbildung. Als neues Element werden bis 2029 regelmäßig geförderte klimasensitive europäische Kurzzeit-Aufenthalte von ein- bis zweiwöchiger Dauer den Studierenden angeboten. Auch die inzwischen bekannten kombinierten Studien-Praxis-Aufenthalte werden mit weiteren Kooperationspartnern erprobt. Ziel ist es, dass alle internationalen Mobilitätsangebote umfassend betreut sowie vor- und nachbereitet werde.

Die Aktivitäten in Cluster 3 flankieren die Bemühungen der ersten beiden Arbeitsfelder und erhöhen die Sichtbarkeit aller auf Internationalisierung abzielenden Maßnahmen im Lehramtsstudium der Uni Halle. Zudem wird eine engere Abstimmung mit beteiligten Akteur*innen angestrebt, um Studierenden noch bessere Unterstützung geben zu können.

Key Activities Of The Second Funding Stage (2023-2024)

Team members of the DAAD funded project in 2024

Team members of the DAAD funded project in 2024

Team members of the DAAD funded project in 2024

Building on and expanding from the first funding stage the project again has four key areas:

Area 1: Improving the structures of and lowering the barriers for international mobility in teacher education at Uni Halle

Area 2: Expansion of international mobiltiy through digitalization (blended mobility)

Area 3: Internationalization of teaching methodology and removal of monolingualism in teaching

Area 4: Teaching and learning in teacher education (certification course)

Team members of the DAAD funded project in 2023

Team members of the DAAD funded project in 2023

Team members of the DAAD funded project in 2023

Key Activities Of The First Funding Stage (2019-2022)

Area 1: Constructing the fundamental framework for international mobility in teacher education at Uni Halle

Area 2: Development of combined stays (study + field experiences) at partner institutions worldwide

Area 3: Strengthening international cooperations through co-developed teaching modules and learning opportunities

Team members during the first daad funding stage (2019-2022)

Team members during the first daad funding stage (2019-2022)

Team members during the first daad funding stage (2019-2022)

Calls And Support

For Teacher Trainers

Study Days On Internationalization

Nov. 12, 2024: Third Study Day On Internationalization (credit: Foto by MART PRODUCTION at

Nov. 12, 2024: Third Study Day On Internationalization

Erfahren Sie

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Nov. 14, 2023: Second Study Day On Internationalization (Foto: Nataliya Vaitkevich auf https://w)

Nov. 14, 2023: Second Study Day On Internationalization

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Nov. 15, 2022: First Study Day On Internationalization (credit: MART PRODUCTION von Pexels auf

Nov. 15, 2022: First Study Day On Internationalization

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LAIK - The Platform To Connect With Your Students Abroad

LAIK - The Platform To Connect With Your Students Abroad

LAIK - The Platform To Connect With Your Students Abroad

Weitere Informationen

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Online Course "The Cross-cultural dimension of school and teaching - digital, interactive and modularized"

For Teacher Trainers: Online Course

For Teacher Trainers: Online Course "The Cross-cultural dimension of school and teaching - digital, interactive and modularized"

weitere Informationen in Kürze

Work-shadowings and further means of support

DAAD-funded guest lectures and work-shadowings abroad

DAAD-funded guest lectures and work-shadowings abroad

weitere Informationen und Bewerbung

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For Students Of Teacher Education

Support For International Mobility

Go abroad: Funded stays for study or field experiences

Go abroad: Funded stays for study or field experiences

Bewerbung und weitere Informationen

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LAIK - the new framework that supports you during your stays abroad

For Students: LAIK - the new framework that supports you during your stays abroad

For Students: LAIK - the new framework that supports you during your stays abroad

Weitere Informationen

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Online Course "The Cross-cultural dimension of school and teaching - digital, interactive and modularized"

For Students: Online Course

For Students: Online Course "The Cross-cultural dimension of school and teaching - digital, interactive and modularized"

weitere Informationen in Kürze

Learn the language that you'll need during your stay abroad for free

Free licenses for learning a language with Babbel or Rosetta Stone

Free licenses for learning a language with Babbel or Rosetta Stone

Anfrage und weitere Informationen

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Study Days On Internationalization

Nov. 12, 2024: Third Study Day On Internationalization (credit: Foto by MART PRODUCTION at

Nov. 12, 2024: Third Study Day On Internationalization

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Nov. 14, 2023: Second Study Day On Internationalization (Foto: Nataliya Vaitkevich auf

Nov. 14, 2023: Second Study Day On Internationalization

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Nov. 15, 2022: First Study Day On Internationalization (credit: MART PRODUCTION von Pexels auf

Nov. 15, 2022: First Study Day On Internationalization

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Team members (current)

§%%§%%§%%de%##%##%##Peter Grüttner

Peter Gruettner

Project Manager

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My Nguyen

My Nguyen

Student member of staff

Elena Reichelt

Elena Reichelt

Member of staff

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Norman Straesser

Norman Straesser

Scientific member of staff

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Team Members (past)

§%%§%%§%%de%##%##%##Dr. Anne Julia Fett

Dr. Anne Julia Fett

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§%%§%%§%%de%##%##%##Peter Grüttner

Paul Geißler

Studentischer Mitarbeiter im DAAD-Projekt "Internationalisierung" (erste Projektphase)

§%%§%%§%%de%##%##%##Julia Ritter

Julia Ritter

Mitarbeiterin im DAAD-Projekt "Internationalisierung" (erste Projektphase)

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§%%§%%§%%de%##%##%##Peter Grüttner

Thilo Schepel

Studentischer Mitarbeiter im DAAD-Projekt "Internationalisierung" (erste Projektphase)
